Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Bogus, Mendacious Attack on Lou Dobbs

So The Nation, a left-wing, agenda-driven newsmagazine (?) accused Lou Dobbs of being an American Hypocrite. The story: illegal immigrants worked on Lou Dobbs' property! Whoa! And some other left-wing publications, like the Huffington Post, even declared in their headline"Lou Dobbs Hired Illegal Immigrants!"
It turns out Lou Dobbs hired a contractor who had illegal immigrants among thier employees. So let's get this straight: Lou Dobbs never hired illgeal immigrants. He didn't write their paychecks. He didn't have, or should even have access to, their personnel files. The statement he hired illegal immigrnats is totally false.
Now the leftists scream: he should have been more vigilant, given his political position! He states he asked the contractors whether their workers were legal & was assured they were.
And that's where his responsibilities, and rights, end. He should not ask for, and should not be allowed, to see the personnel files or work authorization of people who are not on his payroll.
Let me give two examples. I work for a company that has clients; I do the work as an employee of my company which then goes to the client. The client may have the right to ask my company whether all its employees are legal. They should not be able to see my personnel file, which contains a lot of confidential and private information. I'm not their employee. In fact it may even be illegal for a company to divulge any of personnel file information (which has passport, visa or work authorization information) to a third party without a court order or a clear & very limited 'need-to-know' basis. And really I would be extremely upset if they did so. If a company lies, the culpability devolves on them, not on the client.
Now consider the opposite scenario: I'm in a store as a customer. What will happen if I walk up to a cashier & say "I'll shop here only if you all show me your passport/green card?" I'll surely be ejected from there.
Of course nobody takes The Nation seriously, it is one of those "America is Bad; Socialism is Good" publications run by wide-eyed leftists who think anything is allright as long as it advances their 'cause'; & of course left-wing fanatics have long been experts at character-assassination, distortion of facts & outright falsehoods. I commend Lou Dobbs for his immediate and forceful response of these bogus accusations! I hope he is more direct & calls these so-called reporters what they are: dishonest leftist thugs.

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